
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Chapter 1.2

 Chapter 2, Generation 1
Other Half
It was almost half a year since Alexandria had moved to Sunset Valley, the place where her new, glamourous start was supposed to begin.  So far, it wasn't even close.  She had been promoted to Campaign Intern, where she basically did whatever the politicians asked her to do.  Get some Donuts? On her way there. Coffee? Just finished.  Back Rub? She didn't have a choice.  If she wanted work at the spa, she would have signed up.

But something she was waiting to happen, happened while she was out reading a book she had to read for a new politician.

There was a particularly handsome man on the other side of a pillar reading a book.

Could this be fate?  Well, Alexandria sure hoped so.

She closed her book, placed it in her bag, and took several deep breaths.  She wasn't the best with men, even if she was a hopeless romantic.  The last man that showed an interest in her was Jack Freeman, and that turned out terribly.

So she sauntered over, and greeted him charismatically, because she had been practicing in her mirror.

"Hi, I'm Alexandria, and I was wondering what book you were reading?" She said, shaking.

"Oh, you wouldn't understand it," he said quietly, putting it away.

"Was that Where's Bella?  I read that as my college reading report my freshman year."

He raised his eyebrows.

"Well, anyway, like I said, my name is Alexandria, and I work her as a campaign intern."

He looked longingly at the book in his pocket, and turned back to Alexandria and said softly:

"I'm Connor Frio, and I'm a spell checker- er, writer."

"I love to read, I was just reading a book over there."

"Mmhmm," he said.

"Do you think you'd like to go out to dinner sometime?"


That was when Alexandria discovered his unfortunate trait: Unflirty.

"I mean, you are quite handsome,"

"Excuse me?"

Alexandria was just about ready to go into a full blown panic attack- she was neurotic, after all.  She then decided to be bold, and go for it.  If she really wanted a relationship with this guy, she had to start now.

So she bit her lip, and reached forward and grabbed his hands.

"So how about we go out for dinner?  Get to know each other a little better?"


"So how about I meet you at the Bistro around eight tomorrow?"


"Well, its getting dark, I should probably go..."

"Don't leave," He said at a normal loudness this time, reaching out to hold her shoulder.  It send electricity through her body at the contact.

This was it! Alexandria could already see there family together!  Growing old!  Well, she knew it was a lot to expect, and unrealistic, but who cared! Not her!

"I have to say goodbye," he said, and pulled her close.

And he kissed her.


"HEY ALEX!" she heard from across the park.

Oh no. Oh no no no no no no.  It was him.

"Shiznip," she whispered to herself, covering her mouth.

She heard footsteps approaching.  He probably wanted to go see the local hobo again.

"Long time no see, eh?"

"Yes, I suppose so."  She said without any emotion.

"I heard your working as a podium polisher, hows that working out?" He snickered.

Her cheeks reddened.

"I am most definitely not a podium polisher, I am a campaign intern, mind you," she snapped.

"Yes, of course Alex.  Quite glamourous, I might add.  So, now that we are caught up, I was thinking we could go see a movie tomorrow..."

"Oh, sorry, I can't."

His smiled flashed to a frown.

"Why not?  I-"

"I am on a date, unlike you, because I am seeing someone, also unlike you,"

"I wasn't asking for a date, you know."  He shot back.

Alexandria sighed, pulled out her book and strolled to the nearest chair, and sat down.

 Ignore him, Alexandria.  You have Connor, who's shy and sweet, and loves to read.... Unlike Jack who's loud, obnoixous, and handsome.  Connor is yours.  But maybe a movie would be fun, with someone.  Without Jack, yes!  That is what I want! Of course! Alexandria tried to convince herself.

She was having a lot of trouble focusing on the book she had to read.  She had a date tomorrow, a man pestering her, and a job to complete.

Then she heard the footsteps haunting her, and she didn't even look up.

"Well, you know how you said you were seeing someone?" He asked.


"Well, so am I.  Her name is Jaime.  And she is smokin' hot. "


A few minutes passed by, and then Jack contradicted himself by saying:

"Are you sure you don't want to go to a movie?"

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